Order Cake Near Yosemite

A few important questions to ask before buying a custom cake:

Am I looking for a cake for an event near Yosemite National Park?

Am I willing to trust any random person with my special day?

Does quality really need to be expensive?

How important is originality to me?

Is my cake baked locally by a trusted person?

Photo Taken At Branding Iron Restaurant 

This cake baking service is  great for anyone wanting a quality product for their family and friends.

There are many flavors and styles to choose from. Give Us A Call.

Suggested to order 6-8 weeks in advance.

But if your in a bind give us a call, rush orders available. 


Most recently we have served our cakes at The Branding Iron restaurant and
 The Narrow Gauge Inn Hotel.

The Best way to coordinate your upcoming event is with Wendie Pickens from Yosemite Area Events LLC
Call her at (559) 760-7802

Best and Most affordable lodging near Yosemite would be The Narrow Gauge Inn Hotel
(559) 683-7720
Save $ by booking directly
